Date of Birth | 1984.08.10 |
Height | 168cm |
Weight | 64kg |
Blood Type | A |
- 2006
- Champion, Pro Tour Charleston
- 2011
- Champion, Grand Prix Kobe
- 2015
- 2nd Place, Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir
- 2016
- 4th Place, Pro Tour Shadows Over Innistrad
4th Place, World Championship
Champion, Pro Tour Kaladesh - 2017
- Champion, World Magic Cup
- How long have you been playing Magic: The Gathering?
- About two decades.
- What got you interested?
- A classmate of mine in middle school said I should give it a shot.
- What cards are near and dear to you?
- Lightning Bolt, Eternal Witness, and Counterspell.
- How about your favorite Magic color?
- Blue.
- Of all the decks you've played in tournaments, which did you enjoy most?
- Decks like Faeries, Jund, Tezzeret, and 4-Color Doran.
- What format do you enjoy playing most—Standard, Draft, or something else?
- Standard, Draft, Sealed, Extended, and Momir Basic.
- What tournament has stuck with you most?
- 2006 Pro Tour Charleston, and the 2012 World Championship.
- What players do you look up to?
- None in particular.
- What are your goals for this season?
- To go to World Championship with Musashi.
- What do you want to accomplish as a pro Magic player?
- ?
- What do you normally do besides playing Magic?
- Play games and read.
- What other players are you friends with?
- ???
- What do you always carry with you when you're out and about?
- My Suica card and my credit card.